Tamagui and Expo, Write Once, Run Everywhere?

Using Tamagui for your Expo apps, what it offers out of the box, and how it will improve your developer experience. - 23/09/2023


As a React Native developer I’ve found that a lot of the UI libraries out there lack a lot of key components needed by a production ready application. In this article I’ll be introducing you to Tamagui, a cross platform UI kit that offers every component you’ll need not just to ship your app to production but ship it with a great looking UI.

Table of content

What is Tamagui?

Tamagui is a UI kit created by Nate Weinert built for React Native and the web. Tamagui was created on the idea of making development of cross platform applications easier and faster for small teams, by making sure that a majority of their code can be shared across all platforms. It can be used in both Expo and Next.js applications, allowing you to share component code and styling between native and web applications. Tamagui offers a wide range of native and web components such as buttons, switches, stacks, inputs, sheets and more. However, it offers a whole lot more than just a nice component library, it also has it’s own compiler that flattens your component trees and modifies your styles to best fit whichever platform your application is running on.

The initial inspiration for Tamagui was a social food discovery and listing app that Nate was working on during the pandemic. He needed a well optimized and fully featured component library that offers all the components the app needed out of the box. With his experience in building dev tools and a little bit of style inspiration from the jsxstyle package he got to building, and not long after, Tamagui was born.

You might be thinking “This is great and all but is it safe to use?“. That question and more will be answered in the coming sections.

Is Tamagui production ready?

Yes, Tamagui is production ready. This is a question that gets asked almost everyday in the Tamagui community discord, and yes, you can ship Tamagui to production with no worries. Here are 2 examples of apps using Tamagui in production:

Why I use Tamagui over any other library

With the number of components Tamagui has I find it hard for any other component library to beat. As a software developer that has used libraries such as glustack-ui(formerly NativeBase), React Native Material, React Native Paper and more, believe me when I tell you that none of them match up to Tamagui. Below are more points on why Tamagui is my go to component library.

Ease of use

Styling and theming your application is easy with tamagui. Don’t just take it from me, here’s what a community member had to say about it

You dont need to think about making your app appealing, the app is appealing off the bat - Hossam

To use Tamagui in your Expo application all you need to do is install it!

npm install tamagui @tamagui/config

Once you have it installed, create the Tamagui config file in the root of your project.

// tamagui.config.js
import { config } from "@tamagui/config"

import { createTamagui } from "tamagui"

const tamaguiConfig = createTamagui(config)

export default tamaguiConfig

Now, all that’s left is to add the TamaguiProvider component to the root of your Expo application.

// _layout.jsx or App.jsx
import "@tamagui/core/reset.css"
import { TamaguiProvider } from "tamagui"
import config from "./tamagui.config"

export default function App() {
	return (
		<TamaguiProvider config={config}>{/* your app here */}</TamaguiProvider>

And that’s it! You’re good to go. Keep in mind that with this quick config you’ll be using the Tamagui default theme. In order to change it to your liking check out the full config guide.

Note: Depending on if you’re using Expo router or not the root of your application will be different. If you’re using Expo router, add the provider to your root _layout.jsx file. If you are not using Expo router adding the provider to your App.jsx file should be fine.

Here’s a little code snippet of how easy it is to create and style components using Tamagui:

import { Input, Paragraph, Separator, XStack, useTheme } from "tamagui"
import { useToastController } from "@tamagui/toast" // you'll need the @tamagui/toast package
import * as Clipboard from "expo-clipboard" // you'll need the expo-clipboard package

export default function Example() {
	const toast = useToastController()
	const theme = useTheme()
	const [value, setValue] = useState("")
	const placeholder = "Type something"

	return (
		<XStack separator={<Separator vertical alignSelf="stretch" />}>
				style={{ width: "75%", paddingRight: 10 }}
					padding: 16,
					color: theme.blue10.get(),
					flexWrap: "wrap",
					flex: 1,
				onPress={() => {
					Clipboard.setStringAsync("Seperate text")"Copied", { native: true })
				Seperate text

This is a code snippet from the Numb app. The above code snippet will render the input fields in the below image.

2 text input components used in the Numb app


Customization is super easy with Tamagui. In React Native you can make use of the normal style property or you can make use of the components styling props, like I did in the previous code snippet. Tamagui components also have a className prop in case you’re using it on the web and you prefer using that.

Tamagui also offers a few frequently used HTML elements such as Footer, Header, Nav, Main etc. And yes, they do inherit the styling props that other Tamagui components possess.

Creating styled components is also pretty easy by making use of the styled function.

import { Stack, styled } from "tamagui"

const MyStack = styled(Stack, {
	name: "MyStack",
	backgroundColor: "$background",
	padding: "$8",
	borderRadius: "$12",

And the most flexible and customizable part of Tamagui would be the themes. Theming in Tamagui is way out of the scope of this article, just with how much you can customize. However, here’s a peak at just how customizable it is using their docs website as an example.

What theming looks like when done correctly using Tamagui. This is a GIF of the tamagui docs website switching themes

Vast number of components

In the React Native ecosystem Tamagui is one of the only UI libraries if not the only that offers everything that you need (component-wise) to build a production ready application from start to finish, with everything from Toasts, Theming, Modals, Sheets and more, all packaged and ready for you to use. Other React Native UI libraries offer a few of these components out of the box, but why not all? That’s a question that I have asked myself over time and time again 😕.

Here’s a list of some of the components that I have used and see myself continuing to use in the future:

  1. Stack - my most used
  2. Toast - has native support out of the box
  3. Tooltip - underrated but highly utilized
  4. Sheet - one of my favorites
  5. Switch - good for settings and keeping everything themed
  6. ToggleGroup - same as the Switch component
  7. Select - makes implementing native select menus a breeze
  8. Input & TextArea - easy to style and automatically themed
  9. Button - has icon support out of the box 😱
  10. LinearGradient - in React Native it’s really hard to implement Linear gradients properly, this makes that easy
  11. Card - a convenient card component styled out of the box

Sustainability and Support

Something that I’ve started looking into as I have progressed in my journey as a software engineer is project sustainability. Before using a project I like to ask a few questions:

I ask these questions in order for me to make a well informed decision on whether I want to commit to using the library, package or whatever it may be in my project. I’m sure a lot of us have been in the situation where we’ve needed to refactor almost 50% of a project just because one of the dependencies has been deprecated or completely overhauled 😡. If you haven’t, then trust me when I tell that it isn’t fun.

I have found that Nate and the rest of the Tamagui team have thought about these same issues, and have put a few things in place to make sure that Tamagui is sustainable and stays well maintained. One of the things that they are currently working on is Studio, which is a visual editor that gives you the ability to create and theme your components while generating the code for those components. Studio is going to be a SaaS that supports the development of Tamagui through the revenue it generates.


In conclusion, I highly recommend trying out Tamagui in your next Expo project or Next.js project if you would like to use it for the web. Development is not going to stop any time soon and the community is growing day by day. If you would like to contribute, check out the repo on GitHub and join the discussion on the official discord. It’s literally one less overhead, just use Tamagui 😁.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, please don’t forget to share and follow me on X. Thanks for reading, I hope you don’t miss the next one.